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  • Movell D. Henriques, Jr.

5 Ways to Manage with Anxiety

Follow these tips to begin managing your anxiety.

Anxiety is an uncomfortable sensation that causes one to experience nervousness, worry, uneasiness, discomfort, restlessness, and even agitation—things many of us can do without. Though 40 million American adults suffer from anxiety disorders daily, only a mere one-third seek therapeutic help. If you are experiencing rough patches with anxiety, then put these methods to practice and begin regaining control of your well-being!

1. Acceptance—practicing the art of being real with yourself

This is a practice that many don’t want to face. When it comes to managing with anxiety, the typical response would be to either ignore it or combat it, right? For anyone who deals with anxiety regularly, you know that arguing with yourself is not always the most rational and sound solution. When we spar with anxiety, it will hit back—heavy, every single time! When we ignore it, we overlook our need for help. Along with that, we feed adverse energy to the negative messages fluctuating over and over in our minds—this can be troublesome! Instead of battling ferociously against anxiety or avoiding it, come to grips with it. Take time to reflect on what may have triggered it and what your body and mind are trying to relay to you.

2. Gratitude—practicing the art of thanksgiving

When we get anxious, being negative just becomes easier to do. This isn’t unnatural because anxiety is usually a combative response to a seemingly adverse but superficial threat. It can be superficial because a lot of the times anxiety causes us to worry excessively about something that may not happen. With that being said, it is important to practice the implementation of optimism and gratitude. In developing a practice of centering in on what you are grateful for, you counteract the jab that anxiety attempts to throw your way. Doing this will help you embrace gratitude and gain a greater perspective. So, when anxiety begins to sneak in, practice the art of giving thanks. Name a few things that are going well and be thankful for them!

3. Solitude—practicing the art of listening to yourself

Spending time with yourself may be one of the most efficient ways of knowing what your body and mind need. Everything in the body is connected, specifically the mind and body. Though anxiety may stem from the mind, its branches can produce various symptoms that can take a toll on your body physically—headaches, restlessness, an increased heart rate, trembling, chest pain, and fatigue. This is because the mind and the body are connected. Because of this connection, the physical changes in the body can arouse your anxiety, imbuing you to worry more. When this begins to occur, don’t ignore the signs and find a place of solitude—a quiet place. Listen to your body. Concentrate on breathing—inhale gently and deeply, pause, then exhale. Listening to your body can go a long way in preventing future occurrences.

4. Evaluate—practicing the art of examining yourself

Examining yourself is essential in living a healthy life. You may believe that you are healthy, but at some point, taking an inventory and assessing your needs is necessary. In doing this, you can evaluate whether or not you are doing things that obliviously exacerbate your anxiety. An inventory can entail you asking yourself questions like: Do you set aside time to exercise and take mental breaks? Do you maintain a healthy diet? Sometimes failing to implement these small factors in your life can trigger an onset of anxiety. Although these dynamics may not be the root cause of you experiencing anxiety, ignoring the evaluation of yourself and refusing to keep a healthy balance in various areas of your life can easily produce more harm than good.

5. Get Help—practicing the art of talking it out

Getting the help that you need is essential to your well-being. For some reason, there is a boundless stigma attached to seeking therapeutic help. Our culture has stigmatized seeking therapy because it seemingly defines you as feeble or even mentally ill. Although this stigma has become generalized, this could not be further from the truth. Nothing is embarrassing about accessing the helpful resources you need. An online search can provide many professional experts that are willing and able to help you work through your anxiety. Conjure up the courage to get the help you need! Remember, many people are anxiety sufferers—you are not the only one. With the right help, managing anxiety is possible and you can learn how to live in fullness!

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